Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Welcome to My Blog!

So you're probably wondering why a 15 year old girl would take time out of her one season of freedom to start a blog. Well, first let me tell you something: this, my friends, is an actual blog- not a blog about my hilariously ironic every day life in which I ponder the greatly overused clichés of adolescence, because that would be, in a word, boring. This actual blog that I speak of will be of genuine importance to me, and hopefully to you as well.

Now that I've beat around the bush about who I am and what I'm here for, let me just cut to the chase (well, sort of). My name is Leda and I am, what could be called more simply, an emerging food activist ("emerging" because I'm young, and have only been interested in this topic for about a year, and "food activist" because, in short, I care about food).

I find that knowing where exactly your food comes from is important, and more specifically where your meat comes from. However, my main point of interest is the idea that as humans we do not need to consume very much meat in order to live happily. And here's where my big idea comes in (I'll put this in bold just in case I haven't made it clear enough). I believe in this little thing called (wait for it....):


Catchy, right? Well, unfortunately, I'm not the genius who made that up. Anyway, Meatless Monday is a day where you go without meat on, of course, Monday. The benefits of this are that you get to try out new recipes, become healthier, and help the environment (don't worry, the specifics of this will be discussed in a later post). And honestly, its just a great way to have something to look forward to on the worst day of the week.

In this blog I plan to share a new meatless Monday recipe every week, and also provide you with other interesting facts and theories about going meatless as well as reviews on books and T.V. shows on these subjects.

Let me just make one thing clear before I wrap this up. I am by no means one of those crazy environmentalist, animal loving, vegetarian type people. And I'm not saying that's a bad thing either. But I think the public needs an unbiased source of information and advice from someone who is neutral on the spectrum of eating meat and such. In my opinion, both sides have valid arguments. I'm just trying to get my ideas out and share them with you (plus, this is an assignment that I have to do for my Girl Scout troop)

Okay, let's recap. The reason I'm here is to tell you about Meatless Mondays and knowing where your food comes from. Think Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution. And if you don't know what that is, have no fear! You'll be hearing much more about that in the future.

Until then, Happy Summer!
Leda :)

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