Monday, July 25, 2011

The Results......

Yes, by titling this "The Results" I am totally making this overdramatic. Anyway, here's how my Meatless Monday Meal of, yup you guessed it, pasta primavera came out!

(I'm sure you all really appreciate my expert camera skills....)

The Whole table, complete with bread and salad

Side view....pretty

Top view-the vegetables were so colorful

So I hope you all get the chance to try out this wonderful recipe. It honestly did not take much time at all, I even had time to clean up and make a homemade salad dressing in between! The best part of it was the roasted vegetables with the herbs de provence. The onions were ridiculously addicting! (They kinda tasted like onion rings... healthier though). Despite it's overall deliciousness, there is one small flaw which is that there is SO much pasta and it leaves you wanting more veggies (Surprising, right?). And because of this, there's a lot of leftovers (even though it said it served 6... exactly the number of people eating in my house).

But who said leftovers are a bad thing?

Happy Eating!
Leda :)

(Image Credit: Personal Collection)

1 comment:

  1. can i come eat at your house sometime?
    (btw i got this link from gmail...)
