Sunday, November 27, 2011

Meatless Monday: Winter Edition

Oh, so you thought I forgot about my blog, didn't ya? Well... I didn't. At least not entirely. I mean it's the school year, what did you expect?

Anyway, I guess I'll take some time out of my Sunday night to write about some meatless monday stuff and whatnot. But I'll (attempt to) make this short (but like short in a good way).

As many of you know, Winter is just around the corner (now that I think about it, that's simply common knowledge...) which means meatless options are becoming more sparse. But fear not, fellow blog readers! For I happen to know that there are endless possibilities for winter meatless eating, and I am happy to share this knowledge with you:

Soup: Personally, I think soup is highly underrated. Most people assume that soup will not fill you up. However, if you put in the right stuff, it most certainly can! Hearty foods like potatos, beans and corn, along with a little bit of cheese, can really amp up the calorie count of your soup (in a good way!) The other good thing about soup is that it's really good on cold days, or any day I guess. (recipe for soup pictured found here:
Frittata: Generally, eggs are a great way to get protein without eating so much meat. But in frittatas you have the freedom to do anything you like all in one dish. It's basically just eggs cooked in a dish with many other ingredients. Just put everything in one dish and cook, it's that simple! (or so I think....) Frittatas are a great place to put in (and hide!) vegetables like peppers, spinach, potatos and any other seasonal favorites. Oh and don't forget the cheese! Try cheddar, gruyere, or goat cheese. That's the best part!
Chili: I'm not sure if I'm cheating here, because chili could very well be considered a form of soup, but whatever. Anyway, chili is such a hearty, warm, simple, cook-all-day-and-in-one-place dish. You can add in a great variety of beans, ranging from kidney beans, to black beans, and all the way to white beans. Don't forget the tortilla chips and the cheese! (Oh my gosh I think I'm craving cheese or something, I've mentioned it in every single section of this post....)

Alright, well goodnight readers! Hope you have found my winter meatless monday guide helpful!

Happy Eating :)